Tuesday, October 17, 2006

just when you least expect it

got this text from 09209523674 which reads:

"this is micky fenix of doreen gamboa fernandez food writing award. *insert my name here* you are a runner up. will email you for more info."

then the email reads:

Dear "insert my name here*,

Congratulations! You are a runner-up in this year's DGF Food Writing Award. Your "The Pudding Icon's Lip Licking Concoction" has made it to the honor roll.

The names of the winners will be published in the papers.

As to your prizes, please wait for word through this email as to where and when you can get them.

In case you have questions, please don't hesitate to call me at (02) 895-2021. Or use this email address.

Can you also please tell me more about yourself. What do you do for the DTI? And have you been writing long?

Michaela Fenix


god is good!


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