Monday, February 05, 2007

Inquirer prints my winning essay

the philippine daily inquirer published my winning essay last 1 feb. 2007. i wonder why the editor didn't change the title for i myself found it awkward and a bit vague, that's why when i posted it here, the title has changed to "the pudding icon's concoction of lip-licking goodness."

it felt good, as though it was my first time. been quite a time that PDI published my article.

here's the link.

from doreen

i know this is kinda late, but blame it all on techno glitch.

some of the goodies i received from the doreen gamboa fernandez food writing awards committee:

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the glass trophy.

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books intended to make a chef out of me.

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more books, still.

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and yes, mags.

the foodstuff that my niece claimed for me was such that it would take her and her siblings two months to consume.