Thursday, November 30, 2006

the pic i sent micky

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting i emailed this pic---which i took last nite---to micky fenix, saying it's my first in five years.

now i can puke.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

another update

Two days after the november 27 awards night, I received this email from Micky Fenix.

Dear *insert my name here,*

We missed you during the Awards night. We had a very informal happy evening with the Manila Ladies Branch of the International Wine and Food Society.

As to your prizes, your cash (P1,000) can be sent by courier and so with the books and some magazines as well as your subscription. Please send me again your complete address.

Unfortunately, the products will be too heavy to send there.

Can you also send me your picture so I can include it in the press releases we are sending out with the essays.

Micky Fenix

Monday, November 13, 2006

still keeping my fingers crossed

here's an update from the doreen gamboa fernandez's food writing awards committee:

"Will inform you later. Awarding is on November 27. Will you be able to come to Manila? If not, I will have to make arrangements re your prizes.

Micky Fenix"