Friday, February 18, 2005

a mental pervert decides to blog

Now, this is perverse. Just when my pseudo-writer friends have stopped bugging me to blog, here I am. Indeed, only fools don’t change their mind.

I first toyed with the idea of calling this “Inspired Madness.” But I found it a tad too clichéd. I wanted something that would give my blog a kick, a punch. But it was something I couldn't quite pin down. So I slept on it. When I woke up, an idea snapped.

Lunacy fascinates me. Why, I don’t know. Is it for the fact that my mother's middle name is "Luna?" And/Or that my maternal lola died in a lickhouse in Manila?

Madness, what perfect alibi. When you're insane, you can write about anything without pain of libel or censure. (Don’t you smell Catch 22 here?) And even if you massacre every English composition rule there is, or even if your subject and your verb are the grammarian equivalents of Tom and Jerry, your stern English teachers can only salivate by the wayside, gritting their teeth because they can’t touch you with their ten-foot pole red of a pen. Really now, that’s utter freedom!

But then again, you have to have a sense of accountability in everything that you write, even just an iota, if only to show some respect to your voyeurs, I mean, readers. Besides, your carefree life as a mental pervert can also be boring, so you need a lucid interval, a psychotic break. Even if invariably you find the real world much, much more chaotic.

Lucid interval is that space of time between two fits of insanity, during which a person is completely restored to the perfect enjoyment of reason upon which the mind was previously cognizant. That, in a perfect way, is the essence of this blog.


At 2:31 PM, Blogger yusop said...

Greetings from Mars...I have spotted you within my hemispheric area. Welcome to blogosphere then. I believe it does not matter if you are crazy or not. Everyone is free to Blog. It is a free world baby! Blog On!


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